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When it comes to working out, have you struggled to find and build consistency?
Have you found yourself bouncing from one program to the next? Hoping that somehow your problem of being “inconsistent” or “unmotivated” will fix itself with the NEXT BEST PROGRAM?
You’re not alone.
But… have you ever thought that maybe the “inconsistency” or “lack of motivation” doesn’t have as much to do with the program you're following and more to do with your belief system on how fitness can — or should — look?
For a long time, you have been sold on this idea of fitness needing to be MORE.
We need more fancy equipment. More supplements. An intensive and rigid training program. A specific location to perform our workouts, and perhaps the most prized possession of all - time.
However, we have seen firsthand this being the FARTHEST thing from true.
How do we know this?
Over the last 6 years, we have seen countless Street Parking members challenge their beliefs around fitness. They have shown us that in the midst of everyday life while pursuing careers, raising families, caring for loved ones, going to school, etc., fitness can be made simple, effective, and convenient.
The common thread to building this consistency?
For many Street Parking members, it has been trusting the convenience and effectiveness of a simple pair of dumbbells.
Now, we know what you’re thinking. Of course, you would expect us to saydumbbells are enough andthey’re all you will ever need to maintain a very strong level of fitness, but let’s hear from the Street Parking members on how exactly they have built consistency by trusting in a single pair of dumbbells.
“I need nothing more than dumbbells to do fitness. Often I feel like I need all the toys, but dumbbells are my constant reminder that fitness is simple.”— Raigan Mayo (@rmayo7779)
For many of us, believing that fitness can be simple will be the biggest hurdle to overcome. However, once you are able to let go of your “ideal” situation and believe you don’t need all the fancy toys, you will experience a newfound sense of confidence in letting fitness be simple.
Dumbbells don’t require a lot of space or a specific location.
“Dumbbells show you that with the right mindset and a simple piece of equipment, the world is your workout space. Whether it’s traveling, in a living room, in a gym, or in a garage, you can better yourself with little to no equipment. Think outside the box!” —Brad Hudgins (@streetparkingteacher)
Letting go of the need for your workouts to be tied to a specific location is HUGE to building consistency. As we all know, life gets lifey, and giving yourself permission to work out at the foot of your bed or in your living room will eliminate any excuses you have ever had about not being able to workout.
“Dumbbells are an excuse killer. With a pair of dumbbells you can do any workout, anywhere.” — Blair Parkin (@blair_street_parkin)
Dumbbells are easy to transport.
“Easy to transport, just right for using anywhere, anytime.” — Debra Egli-Flanagan (@streetparking63)
Whether you're meeting up with friends to workout or waiting for your child's soccer practice to end, you can easily throw a pair of dumbbells in your car to get a quick workout anywhere — proving again that your fitness should not be tied to a specific location!
Dumbbells are accessible and affordable.
“Using Dumbbells makes fitness more accessible. They cost less than a bar and bumper plates. They are easily transported to meetups, to other peoples’ garages, and for the odd parking lot workout.” — Maria Friend (@therealamigofitness)
Whether we are traveling for work and staying at a hotel or just finishing a long work day, it will be much easier to get your hands on a pair of dumbbells and get moving. Maybe you’re just starting out on your fitness journey! Investing in a pair of dumbbells from your local Target will be a much more accessible and easier buy-in than most other gym equipment.
“I was shocked at how challenging some of the workouts were using dumbbells and how effective it was. It showed me that I don’t need all the fancy equipment and hours in the gym to gain/maintain my fitness. I was instantly hooked.” — Abigail Stewart (@abs_2932_sp)
Fun fact and contrary to popular belief: You don’t need a bunch of fancy equipment or hours in the gym to achieve your fitness goals. Dumbbells alone are ABSOLUTELY EFFECTIVE and essential to maintaining a solid level of fitness.
Dumbbells are challenging.
“People see dumbbells as an easy option compared to a bar. I was the same until I started doing more dumbbell workouts. They require more work in my opinion and they are humbling.”— Wayne Baillie (@baillingoutthefat)
Dumbbells will absolutely challenge you both mentally and physically. Often, people will underestimate the challenging aspects of dumbbells until they begin to use them on a consistent basis!
Dumbbells will help you build and maintain strength.
“Coming from working out in a decked-out home gym to training mostly with DBs I know I’m not missing anything. Yes, having more toys is fun but I can trust that a pair of DBs is all I need to stay consistent and get stronger.” — Maria Friend (@therealamigofitness)
Even if you had access to all the toys, there is a strength element to using dumbbells that cannot be replicated with any other piece of equipment. Because each dumbbell moves independently through space, they require more muscle activation which will help with correcting strength imbalances, building strength in smaller muscle groups (to then support larger muscle groups), and increasing muscle stabilization.
“Dumbbells are exceedingly more convenient, and I feel like I get a better workout with them generally. I have to focus on proper form more when using dumbbells, especially when using a heavier weight. Plus it makes it easier to get the kids involved.” — Kate Sawyer (@auburnkatydid_sp)
Dumbbells are convenient, and we mean this in the best way possible. This isn’t a cop-out or trying to take the easy road. When life gets hard, you sometimes need things to be convenient because that is ultimately how you will FIND and BUILD consistency through any season of life.
When time is limited, dumbbells are easy to grab and get started with.
“As a 4am-er dumbbells are often my go-to as I don't have to spend ages warming up to a heavy barbell weight. Perfect for the mornings before work when I'm limited on time!” — Amanda Trewin
When you're in a time crunch, whether that be waking up early or between the hustle of daily life, it will always be so much easier to grab a pair of dumbbells and start. It is true that you don’t have to warm up as much when doing a dumbbell-based workout, again proving they don’t require a lot of time.
Dumbbells eliminate having to “overthink” your workout.
“Dumbbells make the process of fitness even more convenient, by already knowing the equipment you’re going to use. It’s also an opportunity to learn that sometimes simpler isn’t always easier.” — Rich Mogavero (@zero_proof_athlete_)
Dumbbells eliminate having to “overthink” your workout by allowing you to let go of having to do a workout a certain way. You will gain confidence that even with limited options, you can most definitely still get an effective workout in.
At the end of the day, remember the most effective plan for you will be the one that YOU will do consistently, for as long as possible, during any season of life.
For many, dumbbells have proven to be that catalyst.
If you want to let go of your “ideals,” start embracing your fitness journey for its simplicity, effectiveness, and convenience and feel supported along the way — JOIN NOW.
We can’t wait to see you on the other side of gaining confidence in what it means to take control of your fitness!