Here at Street Parking, we believe in making fitness as fun as possible. Sometimes that means getting a little creative with our training.
We’ve offered two bodybuilding/hypertrophy extra program series for the last couple of years called Suns Out Guns Out and Butts & Guts. We played around with adding some intensity to our bodybuilding sessions in the form of running, object carries, biking, rowing, and jumping rope. That’s how the Bro Sessions were born!
The Bro Sessions focus on increasing muscle, muscular endurance, and building that aerobic engine. In other words, strength meets intensity!!
They are designed to be done solo or with your favorite “bro(s)”.You really only need a single plate or pair of dumbbells for this workout but obviously, you can switch it up and get crazy with your sandbag, barbells etc.
If you are familiar with Street Parking, you’ve heard us repeat “Consistency is key” often. Following our Daily Workouts consistently is a real, effective and extremely efficient path to fitness. But, it never hurts to hit a few Bro Sessions along the way!
Street Parking Members have access to a total of 18 Bro Sessions along with all of the other Extra Programs included with the membership. We’ve provided 3 of those below for you to sample.
Keep in mind that any weights listed are merely suggestions. Choose an appropriate load for the number of reps and sets you’re attempting. Make sure you watch the demo videos. And most of all, have fun with them!!
Individual Version
3 Rounds
2 Sets of ‘21s’ Bicep curls (See description below)
25 Diamond Push ups
200 M Farmers Walk
Men: 30-45# Dumbbells
Women: 10-25# Dumbbells
Bro Version
3 Rounds
3 Rounds of 21s Bicep curls (Empty barbell)
25 Diamond Push ups (Each partner completes 25 push ups at the same time)
200 Farmers walk (both partners walk together)
Men: 30-45# Dumbbells
Women: 10-25# Dumbbells
If you have an empty barbell you can use that for the bicep curls.
Time: 25 minute cutoff time
21s means you do 7 partial curls from bottom to halfway up, then 7 partial curls from halfway to the top, then 7 full curls. Do this twice each round. Each set of 21s should be performed unbroken, so you may want to choose lighter dumbbells for these and go heavier on the Farmer walks if possible.
For the diamond push ups, place your hands close together so that your thumbs and index fingers are touching. Lower your chest and thighs to the floor. Keep everything tight and press straight back up until your arms are straight. Break up the push ups into smaller sets and try to avoid going to failure. Choose a variation (knees or elevated hands) you can at least do 5 reps at a time.
Make sure you keep your core tight and shoulders active during the farmer’s walk. Stand up nice and tall! These should be challenging enough that you need to break at least once.
Individual Version
5 Rounds
Every 5 min complete
10/8 cal Bike/100m run/ 150m row/ 40 double unders
12 Upright row
15 Bench press
12 Bicep curls
10/8 cal Bike/100m run/ 150m row/ 40 double unders
Keep rounds between 2-3 min.
Bro Version
(Same as individual version, if you are doing this with a partner and sharing equipment, stagger you start times by 2 minutes)
5 Rounds
Every 5 min complete
10/8 cal Bike/100m run/ 150m row/ 40 double unders
12 Upright row
15 Bench press
12 Bicep curls
10/8 cal Bike/100m run/ 150m row/ 40 double unders
Keep rounds between 2-3 min.
We used barbells on this one but you can use dumbbells to or even mix and match.
Choose between the run, bike, row, or rope based on what you have available. Do the same thing at both the beginning and end of each round. It should take less than a minute.
You don’t have to use the same weight on the rows, bench, and curls. In fact, you’ll likely want to go heavier on the bench than the other movements. Use weights that you could go unbroken in the first round if you wanted to but would need to break it up in the later rounds to no less than 5 reps.
On the upright rows, do not let your elbows travel higher than your shoulders. Keep a long neck, avoid excessive shrugging.
Squeeze your quads, butt, and abs in the upright row. Make sure your elbows go high and outside as you pull the bar up to midchest, no higher than your collarbone. Use dumbbells if you don’t have a bar.
Individual Version
5 rounds
400m Run / 30 cal Bike / 500m Row
10 Plate Front raises
20 Plate Halos (10 each way)
10 Tricep Extensions
10-15 Diamond Push Ups
Rest 60-90 Seconds
*If you don’t have a plate, use a single dumbbell for those movements.
Goal: Finish in 25:00-30:00, all unbroken!
Men: 30-45# Dumbbells/Plate
Women: 10-25# Dumbbells/Plate
Bro Version
Stagger the start by 2-3 minutes and follow the same order of other movements.
Get ready for that shoulder pump!
The idea here is to ramp up the intensity a little bit BUT in the form of pushing the pace on the cardio. The other movements should be performed unbroken and should not be rushed.
If you are unable to do the bike/jump/run/row for any reason, you can always do 2 minutes of toe taps or low step ups.
Rest a little bit between movements if you need to in order to allow for unbroken sets.
You can use a plate, one or two dumbbells for the tricep extensions.
Choose a variation on the push up that allows for at least 10 reps in the fifth round. Options include elevating your hands onto a box or bench, or going from the knees. Whatever you choose, just keep your hands close together!